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Wednesday, August 23, 2006


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Wednesday, August 23, 2006

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Welcome to StarCraft sector!

click the links for cheats,news,glitches etc.

please participate in my online polls about starcraft, also i wouldnt mind if you could sign a petition i found to BLIZZARD entertainment to make and support StarCraft2.that is if you answered YES to my poll. read below the poll for details and petition sign up. you cna put some input on my website and on what to improve at the bottom of this page.



How many hours do you play StarCraft a week?

never played


Are you still interested in a StarCraft 2 after all this time?

Current Results


To: Blizzard Entertainment

This petition is being started in the hopes that we, the people that have played Blizzard entertainment’s Starcraft PC game and its expansion pack, can spur the before mentioned company to make what we have been wanting them to make for a long time! And that being, either another expansion pack for Starcraft, or another separate and complete Starcraft game (i.e. Starcraft 2). The Starcraft game has no doubtingly made a lot of money for Blizzard entertainment! It has been sold world wide in great quantities! And so I’m extremely confident that another Starcraft game, or an expansion to its predecessor, will do just as well and make even more money for them! And it’s no doubt that us, the fans/customers of Blizzard entertainment, have told them what we’ve wanted by now too! So why can’t, or won’t, Blizzard entertainment make another one then? This lack of action on their part is making it seem to us that they don’t care about what their customers want! So now we, the fans/customers of Blizzard entertainment, want to make them listen by signing this petition and let them know that we refuse to let them ignore us!

We the undersigned, sign this petition in an effort to make Blizzard entertainment take notice and action on behalf of its customers/fans! Prove to us that you do listen to and do care about us by making what we want! And we don’t want just words either!! Actions speak louder than words!! If you can’t back up your words with actions, then your words are just hollow and mean nothing! And those kinds of words will only make us more distrustful of you! What say ye?!! Will you do what is required of you? Or will you, at the risk of angering us further and loosing us, ignore our voices in this petition?

To the people signing this petition: in the fields blow, make your voices heard to Blizzard!

To Blizzard: I have made available to everyone signing this petition 4 optional information fields for them to let you know what they want. Below is what each information field will relate to.

Info field #1 will be for comments from everyone who signs this.

Info field #2 will be for everyone who signs this to express to you which they would like you to make. Another expansion Pack to Starcraft or a whole new Starcraft game (i.e. Starcraft 2) I myself don’t know which would be easer to make but I would like another Starcraft game and not just another expansion pack! I think it could be better than the first and it wouldn’t require you to have Starcraft and the expansion pack installed to play it. A new game could be made to take advantage of better computer components that are more prevalent now than when the first Starcraft was made.

Info field #3 will be for everyone who signs this to express to you if they feel that it must still be free to play online or not. I imagine that should you (Blizzard entertainment) choose to make another Starcraft; you will want to do like other games have done by requiring a person to pay for a subscription in order to play the game online. I think that this would not be in the best interests of either Blizzard or its customers! I think it should be free to play online just like its predecessor! That’s part of what made Starcraft part one great! It would hurt the sale and the success of the game if you were to make people pay to play it online!

Info field #4 will be for everyone who signs this to give you links to pages that will have helpful suggestions for making an expansion to Starcraft or for making Starcraft 2.


The Undersigned

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2006 copyright©StarCraft sector

Too Much SC?

Too Much StarCraft

This is a page created solely for amusement.

You know you play too much StarCraft when...

· You call your house your "Nexus."
· You play basketball and ask your friends if the game is melee or UMS.
· You are poor and you tell your dad to harvest more minerals.
· You realize that you're broke and ask your parents to borrow some minerals.
· You decide to blow yourself up as a suicide bomber and shout "here's for the Swarm!"
· You inject steroids into your arm on the way home to get there faster.
· You pretend that a box is an SCV and you sit in it and pick your nose.
· You send siblings out to scout neighbors' yards.
· Your solution for Iraq is "Battlecruisers. Mass Battlecruisers."
· Your only fear when massing Battlecruisers against Iraq is that they may have cloaked Wraiths waiting.
· You sit in a traffic jam and wonder if your car has a Siege mode.
· Laser pointers are now weapons of mass destruction - avoid them at all costs.
· The Bunsen burner in chemistry looks deliciously inviting as a splash damage weapon.
· You poke people repeatedly. Maybe they'll say something funny.
· You complain about the inefficiency of our military. Even on slow days, it only took you half an hour to amass a fleet and annihilate your opponent.
· You don't believe in the concept of overpopulation. Why not just build more supply depots?
· Missile turrets are a crucial part to any home security system. Bunkers too. Hell, a few Siege Tanks here and there wouldn't hurt.
· You call your school bully a Dragoon.
· You start calling rich people "n00bs" and tell them to play on real maps.
· You walk by a construction site and wonder why they just don't warp everything in.
· You think strategically placing Arbiters around your town/city so they can recall people wherever they want is a really good idea.
· You mistake your grandmother for an Infested Kerrigan.
· You mistake Democrats for UED leaders.
· You think babies come from Gateways.
· Your friend is a Hydralisk. No matter what anyone else says, he's a Hydralisk.
· You tell people to go somewhere and you start repeatedly "clicking" your finger.
· You try to Optical Flare your dog.
· You answer the phone with "You want a piece of me boy?!"
· You know everyone on Everyone on knows you.
· You give people your username instead of your phone number.
· You go by your alias.
· You know, by heart, how many hits it will take a marine to destroy a Battlecrusier.
· You can beat every Terran campaign mission with 4 marines and an SCV.
· You went as a Zealot for Halloween.
· You use the wall in your room as a board for designing new strategies.
· You can draw any custom map someone tells you to draw.
· You have been to every single StarCraft site searching for the best possible strategy.
· You have a small shrine dedicated to your SC CD case.
· You change religions. You are now part of the Khalai.
· You name your son Fenix.
· You have a meeting every week with your friends so you can come up with new strategies.
· The doctor injects the flu shot into you, you sigh relaxingly and say "ah, that's the stuff."
· You force your mom to call the school bus a "Shuttle"
· You see your friend in a fight and you shout "We must join our bretheren in battle!"
· You worry about walking through narrow places because there might be burrowed lurkers.
· You're sleeping with your girl and accidently scream "Kerrigan" instead of her name.
· You cry yourself to sleep because your SC CD is missing.
· You actually understand all of the above jokes.



Below is only a fraction of the slang that you may run into while on While some of it may seem very obvious to some of you, it may not be so obvious to everyone else, so they are here nonetheless.
Slang Definition
SC StarCraft
BW Brood War
bs backstab
bser backstabber
lol laugh out loud
gg good game
gj good job
hf have fun
dd don't die
pn play nice
ka kick @$$
rm remake (game)
dl download (map)
plz please
thnx thanks
d defense
o offense
u you
r are
ppl people
peeps people
dt dark templar
ling zerling
hydra hydralisk
ultra ultralisk
lot zealot
rine marine
ffa free for all
k ok
omg oh my god
wtf what the fudge
b4 before
any1 anyone
n-e-one anyone
n-e-1 anyone
every1 everyone
4ever forever
rdy ready
ez easy
sry sorry
j/k just kidding
jk just kidding
j/p just playing
jp just playing
h8 hate
w8 wait
y why
KBK Knights Bridging Korea
bgh Big Game Hunters
UMS Use Map Settings
mayb maybe
may b maybe
may-b maybe
rush attacking the enemy right away
no rush not attacking the enemy for a set period of time
comp computer
cpu computer
afk away from keyboard
g2g got to go
gtg got to go
brt be right there
ty thank you
zones UMS Zone Control
np no problem
btw by the way
stfu shut the fudge up
newb new to
newbie new to
NMH not much here
N2MH not too much here
jic just in case
jfg just for giggles
ac allied chat
mc mind conrol
vic victory
rofl rolling on floor laughing
lmao laughing my @$$ off
rotflmao rolling on the floor laughing my @$$ off
nn no newbies
n-o newbies only
ns no sucking
---------------------------------- Commands

Standard Commands
/stats displays your stats
/stats displays stats of desired user name
/join joins desired channel
/channel joins desired channel
/whois displays the game/channel user is in
/whereis displays the game/channel user is in
/m talk privately with user no matter their location on
/w talk privately with user no matter their location on
/msg talk privately with user no matter their location on
/whisper talk privately with user no matter their location on
/squelch user's messages won't be displayed to you
/unsquelch user's messages will be displayed to you once again
/ignore user's messages won't be displayed to you
/unignore user's messages will be displayed to you once again
/users displays all of the users, games, and channels on the server
/who displays who is in the selected channel
/time displays and local time
/dnd do not disturb mode and away text
/away away mode and text
/resign rejoins the current channel
/rejoin rejoins the current channel
/me displays emotion text
Friends List Commands
/f list lists your friends
/f add adds user to your buddy list
/f remove removes user from your buddy list
Channel Operator Commands
/ban bans the user from channel
/unban unbans the user from channel
/kick kicks the user from channel
/designate designates a new channel operator when you leave
--------------------------------- Smilies

These are some common smilies that are used on to create pseudo-pictures.



:-) happy
:-( sad
:-Þ stick out tongue ( to make mouth, hold ALT and press 0222 )
:-þ stick out tongue ( to make mouth, hold ALT and press 0254 )
;-) wink
:-| not too happy, not too sad
:-o shocked
>=( very mad
<(*_*)> K.O. or happy
(8-]) cool
(x_x) K.O.
<(O_o)> weird
<(T_T)> crying
:P stick out tongue
:D stick out tongue
(o^_^o) blushing
(>")> kirby
(>")>=========> kirby with long hook
<*))))>( happy/K.O. fish
<^))))>( happy fish
<(o';'o)> pikachu
(o'.')--o kirby punching
( <> .. <> ) alien
==]:-]= Abraham Lincoln
[:::::[]:::::] Band Aid
( 8(|) monkey
@>-->--- rose
q=-)- skateboarder (vaguely)
^( -.`)>}==> arrow shooter
()xxxx(::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::> sword ( many variations like the one below )
[]---[:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::> sword

Cheats,Glitches,Hacks n'all

StarCraft Cheats

To use these cheats, press ENTER during a game and type them.
Cheat Description
power overwhelming invincibility
there is no cow level win the mission
game over man lose the mission
show me the money gives 10,000 minerals and vespene
whats mine is mine free minerals
breathe deep free vespene
something for nothing all available upgrades
black sheep wall show entire map
operation cwal faster playing and instant research
staying alive keep playing after victory
medieval man give units free upgrades
modify the phase variance allow any structure to be built
war aint what it used to be disable fog of war
food for thought build units beyond supply limit
the gathering use special abilities with no enegy cost
no glues the computer can't use operation cwal when you do
glues computer can't advance in technology
radio free zerg play secret zerg song
Note: You must be playing as zerg for this to work
ophelia* skip to any mission
* Once you type ophelia, press enter then type the mission you want to skip to (i.e. zerg 8, terran 5, protoss 7)


Float A Drone
To float a drone, corner a drone in a corner with some other drones. Tell the drone to build any structure three times quickly (ie. B,H,click,B,H,click,B,H,click). The drone will fly across the map to it's destination.

Cloak Burrowing Zerg Units
For this glitch, you need an Arbiter and any burrowing Zerg units. Set the Arbiter on patrol over a short area back and forth over where the units are cloaked and away to a point where they uncloak. Now, burrow the units uncloaked. Wait until the Arbiter comes to the point where the units would just be cloaking and unburrow. Then, run like mad away from the Arbiter with the cloaked units. These units should stay cloaked permanently, unless you bring them back near the Aribiter or if you burrow and unburrow them again. This takes very precise timing, so it's not easy.
NOTE: Burrowing and unburrowing again will uncloak the cloaked unit.

Walking (v1)
This isn't as much of a glitch, but if an SCV, Drone, or Probe is told to mine minerals, it will go straight through any units in it's way. It ends up walking right through them.

Walking (v2)
In this case of walking, the minerals are right next to you. Mine the minerals, and at the end right click and press C (or return cargo). It will have the same affect as the first walking glitch.

This "glitch" is typically used in Bound games. What you do is if there is a wall of units, you burrow one unit and put another unit right on top of it. Thun, unburrow the burrowed unit and the unit on top will either run through the wall or disrupt the wall and make it move.

Build Cloaked Zerg Buildings
For this, you must first use the "Cloak Burrowing Zerg Units" glitch on a drone. Then, simply use the drone to build a building. This doesn't seem to work with Extractors. This only works for certain buildings.

Float A Templar (And Control It)
This glitch is very similar to the float a drone glitch. You take two templars (High or Dark) and make sure they have enough space between each other. Tell them to merge into an Archon. While they're on their way, hold shift and right click anywhere on the map. Then, before the templars get to eachother and start the merge, press "S" or Stop. The templars will then float, the same way the drone did, to the place where you right clicked while holding shift.
(If you want to be able to control it, instead of holding shift and right clicking somewhere on the map, shift and right click on a drop ship or other flying unit. Then, move the flying unit around and the templars will follow.)

Everlasting Merge
Take two templars, either High or Dark. Place them a short distance apart, and tell them to merge. Right when the merge starts, press "S" or Stop. They won't stop merging, but a status bar will never appear and they will just stay stuck together until you right click somewhere telling it to move and it will restart the merge.

Tank Inside Building
To get a tank inside a building without exploding, you must bring the tank under the building while it is landing, but leave it unsieged. When the building has landed and the tank is on it's way out, this is when you must quickly siege the unit while it is still below the building. It will then stay like this.

Crush An Interceptor
To crush an interceptor, you must merely land a building that can fly on top of it. For example, if you have an Engineering Bay being attacked by Interceptors, all you have to do is lift off and land back down on one of them.

Stasis Archon
Stasis an archon a split second before it is finished forming. When the stasis wears off, the stasis graphic stays over the archon. The affects of stasis are gone (invincibility and immobility), so there's no particular use for this glitch, except to make Archon look odd.

Build A Tank In Mid-Air
When you have the factory selected, press L and then T quickly. If you time it right, you'll lift off and the tank will stay in the building queue. When you land the Factory, the tank will resume building. This is not a particularly uselful glitch, but a glitch nonetheless.

Stop A Turret
To stop a turret, simply bring an Observer on top of it. If you time it perfectly and get it in the right position right over the turret, it will stop spinning and stay stuck.

Build A Goliath In An Island
When you have the factory selected, press L and G very quickly. If you time it right, you'll have a Goliath waiting in the building queue. When you start to land, hold shift and right click somewhere not far from the factory. It will start building in mid-air and, when done, it will be at the original location of the factory.

Lurker Under Command Center
Take a Command Center and a Lurker. Tell the Command Center to land right next to the Lurker. While it's on its way down to the ground, quickly move the Lurker in beneath it and burrow. This does not kill the Lurker.

Crash StarCraft
As Zerg, research the burrow ability. Tell a drone to build a structure anywhere. Immediately after it starts building, tell the drone to burrow. All users in a multiplayer game looking at the drone will crash out of SC. Users that weren't looking will have SC crash at the very end of the game.

Un-unburrowable Drone
As Zerg, research the burrow ability. Tell a drone to build to build a structure anywhere. As the drone moves toward the spot, press Burrow. The drone will burrow, but even though the unburrow icon is there, it will never be able to leave the ground.

Hover A Drone
Tell a drone to build a building somewhere. Then, tell it to go somewhere else. The drone will hover up to about Wraith height before heading back to the ground.

Pause Glitch
Have any units you want selected before pausing. Then, during pause, right click on the minimap to tell the units where to go. They will only move after the game is unpaused, but generally you can't issue commands during pause at all. With this glitch, you can.

Load and Repair
First, you need one damaged mechanical unit, one Dropship, and at least one SCV. Then, send the damaged unit into the Dropship. A split second before the unit enters, tell the SCV to repair it either by using R and left clicking, or just right clicking the unit. The SCV will repair the unit, even though it's inside the Dropship. Though you cannot unload the unit by pressing its wireframe, pressing the Unload command will, and the game will instantly crash for you and all of those who have allied vision to you. For those that don't, it will crash before the victory screen.

Slide a Command Center
First you will need a Command Center. Build a Barracks and an Academy (if you don't already have one of each). Make sure you have more than 50 vespene gas, and between 50 and 99 minerals. Lift off the command center, and tell it to build a Comstat Station. Just as the Command Center is landing, build a marine, and shift and click to the place you want to slide.

SCV Cliff Climbing Glitch - UNCONFIRMED
An SCV will go through anything when you're building. If you tell it to build a bunker right next to high ground, depending on what direction it came from, your SCV can end up on the high ground. You could also try halting construction when it gets to where you want it to. The SCV can get stuck on the high terrain giving you a small advantage (depending on how the map is set up). This glitch is hard and confusing to use, but it works and it is kind of cheap.

Mine Away From Minerals/Gas
You need a Arbiter and a miner (SCV/Probe/Drone). Put the Arbiter over something where you can't recall, like over water or the edge of the mountian. Then take your Arbiter and tell it to recall the miner. Right before the recall is over, click on the miner and tell them to gather minerals or gas (Before the recall is over, the miner still has to be under the Arbitar's recall), and it will mine from a distance. Do you know of any other glitches? E-Mail me and tell me them.




How many hours do you play StarCraft a week?

never played


Are you still interested in a StarCraft 2 after all this time?

Current Results




There has been much speculation recently that StarCraft 2 may now be in development as Blizzard has posted job openings for level designers for 3D RTS games. This is likely either StarCraft 2 or Warcraft IV.

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Blizzard has just released a fairly significant StarCraft and Brood War patch, 1.14.

Feature Changes
- European ladder now affiliated with WGTour (
See for additional information about the new
European ladder.
- Ladder games disabled for all other regions.
- For Top vs. Bottom games, the default chat filter is now 'Chat To Allies'.
- In-game chat messages now show the speaker's name in his/her team color.
- Users can now use the mouse wheel to scroll chat and selection boxes in
Windows 98 (or later) and Macintosh OS X.
- Screen shots now use a time/date stamp; they are no longer limited to 100.
- Improved version numbering system.
- The high-color application icon from the Macintosh version is now used on PC.
- Small corrections to the Lost Temple and Dire Straits maps.

Bug Fixes
- Fixed Hatchery cancellation crash bug.
- Fixed crash that can occur when SCVs are repairing a unit boarding a Dropship.
- Fixed crash when Mac users very quickly cancel connection to
- Fixed a scoring bug that gave Zerg unit points for building cancellation.
- Users can now take screen shots on Macintosh OS X.
- Updated account creation information text.
- Logging onto an account closed for a Terms of Service violation
will now say the account is closed, rather than 'invalid password'.
- Fixed bug preventing Portuguese StarCraft clients from receiving patches from Portuguese users must still patch to this level manually, but
subsequent patches can be obtained automatically from
- No longer displays control characters in's map description pane.
- Color codes and control codes are no longer allowed in chat messages.
- Fixed a crash in StarEdit when attempting to save modified Blizzard maps.
- Fixed undesired text wrapping in Spanish and Portuguese screens.
- Fixed a rare crash in multiplayer games.

- Fixed the Nydus Canal cancellation bug that allowed creating a mobile exit.
- Fixed two exploits that allowed players to gain minerals very quickly.
- Fixed exploit with Arbiter that allowed Zerg buildings to become cloaked.
- Fixed exploit that allowed units to kill themselves instantly.
- Fixed exploit that allowed Command Center infestation without a Queen.
- Fixed exploit that allowed Command Center infestation from a distance.
- Fixed exploit that allowed players to float Zerg Drones over obstacles.
- Fixed exploit that allowed worker units to mine at a distance.
- Fixed exploit that allowed Terran buildings to lift off while training units.
- Fixed exploit that allowed SCVs to repair Protoss buildings.
- Fixed exploit that allowed SCVs to detach Larvae from Hatcheries.
- Fixed exploit that allowed morphing Terran and Protoss buildings.
- Fixed exploit that allowed buildings to be stacked on top of each other.
- Playing against illegally named players on no longer results in a
disconnect game result.

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This is what happens when talent, fandom, and massive amounts of free time collide. has a photo of someone's Starcraft-themed Oragami art. Dozens of painstakingly detailed units are shown off, from the Protoss Carrier to the Zerg Hydralisk.

Link: StarCraft Origami

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Which is your favorite StarCraft hero? [5541 votes total]

Zeratul (1436) 26%
Tassadar (545) 10%
Kerrigan (828) 15%
Raynor (967) 17%
Mengsk (43) 1%
Duran (188) 3%
Fenix (840) 15%
Stukov (199) 4%
Duke (179) 3%
Artanis (316) 6%

Zeratul was the favorite by far, but perhaps that has something to do with his being first on the list. Who knows? Anyway, a new poll is up.

We plan on revamping the site and getting its content and files completely back up to date soon pending content submissions.

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Blizzard announces that it's moving next-gen, and that Ghost may not be coming with it.

StarCraft: Ghost has hit yet another crossroad, as franchise creator and project overseer Blizzard has announced that it "will indefinitely postpone production" on the game as the company shifts its focus to new next-gen systems. The good news is that Blizzard hasn't yet given up the Ghost -- the company explains in its announcement that it is evaluating the potential of StarCraft: Ghost as a next-gen title, and indicates that if the game goes that route, it will utilize the additional console power for a more impressive game than was originally conceived. The bad news, of course, is that this leaves little chance of seeing the current-gen StarCraft: Ghost version continued to release, and it promises an even longer (or eternal, if worse comes to worst) wait for StarCraft fans.

Links: Read More

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There's an intriguing video on Google Video purporting to show StarCraft 2. The video looks awesome, but is likely a fake.

Update: It is just a mod for Command and Conquer Generals. Still looks amazing.

Links: Google Video

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A new StarCraft game has been announced, but not quite the one that everyone has been looking forward to. Fantasy Flight Games is creating a board game based on StarCraft.

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We now have a new splash intro at on the main page of the site, courtesy of Brian Baker, aka Nairb. The new splash is far superior to the old flash splash, which had links which were difficult to click for some.

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Carl's Guides has a new StarCraft guide that walks you through the missions. Unlike many guides, these serve to help you tactically. Currently, only Zerg and Protoss guides are up, but Terran guides are in the works.

Links: Carl's Guides | StarCraft Guide

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YTMND has another top 10 ytmnd about StarCraft entitled Worlds of Starcraft.

You might be asking yourself, "Self, what is the point of this?" There isn't one.

And yes, this post is a copy of the previous one.

Links: YTMND Main Site | What a 'ytmnd' is | Worlds of StarCraft

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